Dashboard settings
You can access it by going to Dashboards from the left main sidebar and then clicking Dashboard settings. This will open a page which contains all the dashboards created by or shared with the logged in user. These dashboards are displayed as a table for easy filtering/ordering and the following columns are displayed:
- Actions, which contains two buttons:
- display - display a certain dashboard
- delete - delete dashboard or access to dashboard for a user
- id, the dashboard id
- name, the name of the dashboard
- created_by, the owner of the dashboard
- user_name, the user that has access to the dashboard
- write_rights, whether the user_name has the rights to modify the dashboard or not. true if the user has the rights to modify it. For more information, check the documentation for setting the user permissions.
Delete dashboard
Find the row of the dashboard where the user_name is equal to the created_by, then click the button .
Pay attention! This action will delete the entire dashboard definitively.
Delete access to a dashboard
If you are the creator of the dashboard and you want to delete the access to the dashboard for a certain user, just follow these steps:
- Filter the row that contains the combination (user_name, dashboard_name) that fits the access that you want to delete
- Click the (delete) button and the right to access the dashboard will be revoked for the given user.