For every table or view, you can begin creating a graph by clicking the Graph button located in the header of the widget.

Graph sidebar

The graph settings sidebar contains the following sections:

Graph buttons

The graph sidebar located on the right of the table widget will contain the following buttons:

  • - closing the sidebar
  • Preview - quick display of the graphical representation
  • Data - opens a table widget with the data behind the graphs
  • Save - saves the graph to a dashboard

Select columns

You can select the columns that need to be plotted in this section. Here, you can search for the column names and select them by clicking on their names. Once they are selected, they will appear in the Entries section.


Scai detects automatically based on the column data type whether it should be:

  • group by - the aggregation will group the results on the values of this column (typically chosen for non-numerical columns)
  • pivot - the distinct values of the column will be used to create a pivot table. Each distinct value will then be represented as a separate column in the aggregated results.
  • measurement - a mathematical function will be applied to the values of this column based:
    • sum (sum)
    • average (avg)
    • count (count)
    • maximum (max)
    • minimum(min)

The detected entry type can be changed by clicking the dropdown menu located in front of the name of each column that has been selected. You can select any other combination depending on the type of graphical representation you would like to have.

Graph traces

A graph trace represents the unique combination between a group by, pivot (if present), measurement. A graph widget can contain one or multiple graph traces.

This menu contains two different sections:

  • name of the trace
  • graph type

If you are not satisfied with the default ones, you can change them by clicking on them.

Graph types

If you want to change the graph types, click on a graph trace and then select one of the following types:

  • - line chart
  • - point chart
  • - pie chart
  • - bar chart
  • - stacked bar chart

    If there are multiple graph traces that are being plotted, then you can choose to combine the type of graphs depending on which one looks better.


In the Options section, the following options of the graphs can be changed:

  • Graph name - Scai generates the name of the graph automatically based on the columns selected. The generated name can be changed here.
  • Records - number of records plotted, by default this number is 100, while maximum number supported by Scai is 5000

How to create a graph based on data

In order to create a graph based on data, the following steps can be followed:

  • open the table or view you want to create the graph on
  • click the Graph button
  • select the columns to plot ( go to Entries section )
  • select the type of the graph, ( go to Graph traces section)
  • click the Preview button for a quick display of the graph
  • click the Data button to check the data behind the graph
  • click the Save button to add the graph to a dashboard or create a new dashboard

Changing colors

If you would like some different colors for your newly created graph, just click on the button on the graph widget header. New colors will be generated. Once satisfied with the new color palette, it will be preserved and saved together with your graph.